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History of Park City

HomePark City InfoHistory of Park City

The history of Park City, Utah goes back to the 1800s when this was a busy mining city and is said to have been discovered by prospecting soldiers of the United States Army. It went on being known for no other activity but mining until about 1920 when skiing became a popular sport and Park City, Utah got a shot in the arm, becoming a popular skiing destination. This seemingly forgotten city has come of late to become the headquarters of the annual Sundance Film Festival giving it another reason to be famous every January. A visit during these film festivals brings you face to face with filmmakers and other celebrities.

Park City has become one of the best ski destinations in the entire United States thanks to the development of world class accommodation in terms of hotels, lodges, and tastefully furnished condominiums which attract a host of celebrities every summer or winter. The history of Park City, Utah cannot be complete without mentioning a number of fires that destroyed the earliest wooden structures such as the one that happened in June 1898. The flames were fanned by strong winds coming from the Canyons and the city was completely wiped out in about seven hours. Over 200 businesses, houses and dwellings were gutted down by the fire which was the greatest in the entire history of Utah.


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Mining in the History of Park City

By the turn of the century, mining was the mainstay of Park City and some of the wealthiest people were those involved in the mining industry in this area. There was a great inflow of people from other areas where mines had been depleted such as Ireland, Scotland, and even the Scandinavia and in a little while, there was such a big class distinction with the Chinese who worked for the Transcontinental Railway suffering the greatest bigotry. Fortunes were basically made or lost and there was such a distinction depending on one’s ethnicity, religious affiliation, occupation as well as membership in any organization.

At the end of the day mining in Park City, Utah had made 23 millionaires with the economy of Utah depending greatly on the mining industry which accounted for up to 78% of its exports. Park City continued with its march in mining becoming the largest producer of silver by 1928. The end of the Second World War brought in a big amount of civil unrest and this had a huge impact on the mining industry which was only made worse by the great depression. By the 1950s the mining industry was a shadow of its former self generating into a ghost town of sorts, hosting only about 200 mine workers.


Enjoy Park City Today!

Come the 20th century and the Park City you know today is a famous recreational facility with the old mines being turned into tourist attractions giving the city a shot in the arm. The Park City Resorts today are among the best ski areas in the entire Unites States giving this city a new life altogether as many world class travelers Ski Park City every year. Even as early as the 1960s Park City had an estimated value of over $500 million in silver, zinc, lead and gold.


Economy of Utah
Park City History

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