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Sleigh Rides In Park City, Utah

HomeWinter ActivitiesSleigh Rides In Park City, Utah

While many places in the world sparkle at different times of the year, Park City, Utah truly shines during the winter. This is the town you go when you are seeking adventure, excitement, and yes, even a little romance; and what is more romantic than a sleigh ride through the snow? Horses wearing bells on their bridles as the wind and their movements cause them to jingle softly, the sound of the sleigh swooshing over the ground blanketed in snow, and the feeling of love and contentment that overtakes you as you huddle under a blanket with the one you love most in life. This is what romance is and when you combine it with the natural beauty of the snow-capped mountains that surround you, you get an adventure you will never forget!


Reserve Your Tickets in Advance for Sleigh Rides in Park City Utah

Your romantic winter plans can be foiled if you don’t plan ahead. So we’ve compiled this list of places that offer the best in sleigh ride Park City; and can be reserved in advance! And for the families out there not seeking romance? A sleigh rides in Park City Utah is STILL an adventure that will be enjoyed by all members of your family!

Park City Sleigh Rides,– Offering private tours for the romantically inclined interested in sleigh ride Park City, and group tours at a discount, you will begin by choosing your sleigh; red, cheerful, and designed to hold anywhere from 2 to 12 people, your choices are easy. Each tour lasts 25 minutes and blankets will be provided for extra warmth.

All Seasons Adventures,– All Seasons Adventures always tops our lists for fun, and their sleigh rides are no exception! Night time sleigh rides across private ranch property, lit only by the billions of twinkling stars in the skies, promise to be romantic, fun, and peaceful.

Santa Sleigh Rides during Christmas time,– This one’s for the families with kids; y’all have already had your romance, now it’s time to find the magic for your children! Rocky Mountain Outfitters is offering Santa Sleigh Rides, in Midway Utah’s Wasatch State Park. Located about 30 minutes away from Park City, the sleigh rides include a stop at Santa’s home, a meet and greet with the Jolly Old Elf himself, and memories that will last a lifetime! Snacks and hot beverages are available for purchase, and don’t forget your camera; a picture with Santa is included in the deal! And make sure to check out Park City Rental Properties selection of Park City holiday rentals to come home to!


Winter’s Magic and a Warm, Comfortable Bed to Sleep in!

That’s all any of us ever ask for and when you rent a Park City Vacation Rentals cozy cottage or cabin, your dreams will come true! Contact us to reserve yours today and re-discover the beauty and magic of a snowy winter’s day!

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