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Park City Activities Winter: Snow Biking In Park City

HomeWinter ActivitiesPark City Activities Winter: Snow Biking In Park City

Every time we think we have discovered the latest and greatest invention that can never be topped, genius minds come up with new ways to awe and amaze us, and snow biking is one of those ways! Combining the thrill of mountain biking with the joys of winter sports, this awesomely exciting activity is a perfect way to keep you on your mountain bike all year long and Park City’s trails are plentiful; over 400 at our last count! So, if you are going through withdrawal symptoms from not being able to hit the trails on your mountain bike, Park City is where you want to visit!


Where to Get the Equipment for Winter Activities, Park City Utah

It’s pretty obvious that you won’t be bringing your bike and other equipment with you on vacation, especially when traveling by air, so we’re offering you a sampling of establishments for your Park City activities winter sports that will have everything you need for your winter adventure. The main difference between your standard mountain bike and the ones needed for snow biking is the tires; fatter, thicker, and ruggedly designed, the tires are designed to make biking through the snow easy. Storm Cycles, located at 1764 Uinta Way C1, is open year-round and features a large selection of bikes for your biking pleasure! All rentals come with bike helmets; they worry about your noggins almost as much as your family does! White Pine Touring, located at 1790 Bonanza Drive, is another local favorite, offering guided tours at reasonable prices and rental bikes for those who prefer to go it alone. If you have never fat biked (snow bike) before, it might be a great idea to start with a tour and then venture off on your own later, just to be sure you know what you’re doing. The trails are well-groomed, but caution is always advisable!


Keeping Warm in the Snow

The most difficult part of any Park City activities winter sport is keeping warm; it’s cold out there and hard to have fun when you can’t feel your feet or hands. For that reason, it is recommended that all snow bikers wear warm boots that are water repellant, thick wool socks, pants that are lightweight, but also wind-resistant, breathable jackets, and a beanie or headband to wear under your helmet. Gloves are important too, and need to be thin enough so you can maneuver the brakes and gears, but thick enough to keep you warm. If unsure, you can talk to the people who rent you the bike; they are experts who are always willing to help!


Sitting By the Fire After a Long Day of Snow Biking

We can’t think of a better way to end your long day of winter activities Park City Utah than with a roaring fire and an adult beverage to keep you toasty on the inside as well, and renting one of our Park City Vacation Rentals luxury vacation escape is going to be the best decision you’ve made all year! Contact us and reserve yours today!

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