Dig out the old pair of binoculars, or for some of you dedicated astronomy fanatics, dust off your telescopes! The first eclipse of 2014 is about to take place. A total eclipse happens when the earth positions itself directly between a full moon and the sun. This total eclipse will take things to a whole different level. This is one total eclipse in a series of four eclipses minus the partial eclipse in between, also referred to as a lunar tetrad, and recently, people have been raving about the beauty of the rare Blood Moon.
The Blood Moon will make its presence known to all on Monday, April 14, 2014 at approximately 9:55 PM (In UTAH) and will linger thought the night till Tuesday morning, April 15, 2014. The total eclipse starts Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at midnight and will showcase its full beauty around 12:45 AM. You can expect the eclipse to last well over 3 hours.
Beautiful Blood Moons
People wait months to see lunar eclipses and stare in awe at the beauty, but Blood Moons showcase a completely different appearance with fiery orange and red highlights! It almost looks like your favorite sunset shining through the sun. This is a deep and intense image, once it’s seen you look will look back and vividly remember the fascinating attraction your eyes had with the Blood Moon!
The last eclipse of the year will take place on Wednesday, October 8, 2014. In 2015 you can expect two eclipses visible to the United States, and they will take place on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 and Monday, September 28, 2015. On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 there will be a solar eclipse known as the “Ring Of Fire” but it will only be seen in parts of Antarctica.
About Jim Bizily
I am an outdoor enthusiast, parent of two awesome boys, and Property Manager in beautiful Park City, Utah. After years in engineering and entrepreneurial projects, I decided to move to Park City Utah to start a business managing lodging and vacation rentals.